Washington Afro American from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington Afro Americani

Washington, District of Columbia

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Pare 2 (Entered In tSecond cuM he WuHagtofl Decanter 6 1952 See Whte The ARO Says About ft Case He Gave Himself Up In Killing 3 Policemen (Continued 2) Vtwlllf B4v to Mr tatberElder A up MXW jiwBur US Marino 84 Supp 7851 You can't drink better than the best in the house OREMOST Mrs Ria Bullock1 'whose li 4 IMPORTED WHISKY ASON IC KNIE Harrison Case Timetable (Continued from Page 1) 99 tage of the ift i or the man whose taste is CERTAIN gray IT i ARO SakKriMto Mn AND UN6IST NMR 1TWUCHTEMR! Actual Size fine eokM knife Went for attaching fa watch chain Mail ordart flltod Wo gay pottage Oitfrict of Colombia and Iterftwi and John Russell Young Turner testified kgow about the $2000 a carrying in pockof Baaatifol silver cob i fliush Two third blades A gift make it welcome make it CERTAIN make it THI 6ALLA0HU TYM" His taste is'certain Says an expert only in one thing: hat it hits Judges by enjoyment not price enjoy your gift of Gallagher Burton 70 App DC 101 14 Oed 234 Girl's Testimony Enough The defendant argues that a conviction could not properly fol low solely upon the testimony of complainant and her brother 7 In the absence of any statute roguiriax the testimony of the oomplainant to be corroborated the jury may find that the accused is the father of the child upon the testimony of the" mother alone THIS XMAS Gill "GITS THAT JLABT2 i THt TYPE? Hu taste is certain too aa expert one sip tells him all about whiskey quality regardless of price admire your choice of Gal hgher Burton Optometrist examines your eyes you will pet" the benefit of the very latest Research aa4l Scientific Brand new booklet or newest hair fteMem aod tMm Absolutely reel Write PermaStrate Dept 271 Vance Memphis Tenn Irool JhM amous $Urs MUABLE MWIUY SHOP eatwrhiir NMfcpally AtartiNt Brarta WATCBM WATCK CLOCKS UGRTUTB RINGS SLBCTR1C APLlAMCESf Ktee CM OUR LA A WAY' LAM RELIABLE JEWELRY SHOP r3 GEOKG1A AVE NW BA S17T MOJTHB TEAS Champion CMc Waffara end the Sewers i CAJU MUhPin rweldmi ARNITT MUnraY Vlee Prroldaot and Treasurer MAK DYSON Secretary Kliaabeth Phinipa Anilel 8ee 301 Clay Street 2 T111 NEW JERSEY ArHO AMEItlCAN I7 Kinney Street ISA SST Newark 4 Mrs Ria Bullock1 whose hus band was the victim jrf tan ice pick slaying lastweek weeps IS she leaves the DCMorgue Obeys Sister's Testimony Itis urged that the court erredin admitting the rebuttal testi mony of the sister of the com plainant to the effect that defend ant had gone out with the com: ola inant on various occasions This 'cviocnce was tram oirerr knnwl YOUR EYES must last a 1 LIETIME! Naturally they will serve you better and longerwith proper care in cluding REQUENT EX AMINATIONS 'THREE YEARS $1300 $1300 TWO YEARS 900 900 VIVE IMK a oou SIX MONTHS 11M I BiifliiaflA Tab liar Ing 1151 and denied that be sold VwWIIVB narcotics TYLER Texas Edward Snead He said that he earned his Jiv Cambridge Md formerly a Jerome Proper Washington's raternal Gift Store 918 ST NW EX 3 2112 KX 3 77755 BONDED WHISKEY PROO 72M GAAM NEUTRAL SPIRITS GALLAGHER BURTON INC BRISTOL PA Reaardlsss of how you wsrrt your hslr stylod you must first start with th natural looking soft feeling really MraigM hair that Penna StraOe gives you with Perma Strsde there no burn redness or no greasy wsxy look Accept no substitutes Eraoy truly beautHu! hair dressed set wsved eurM or styled wav you want after you use Perma Slrstei net pgnMA aTRATg today! Only 2 plus tax at druggnts If druggist can't supply order from Perma Strste Co Ml Vance Memphis Tenn Also ask for UgaM Pseiade by Perasa Rrate THB WASHINGTON ARO AMERICAN Publisher Every Tuesday And Saturday By THE ARO AMERICAN COMPANY 1800 11th St NW Washington DC DEcstur NW scribed Detective Williams as an police officer who has done an excellent job and well PI Captahs Winters said that Detec itive Williams has been on thentce i since Deceeaber 1941 Amodg hie Jmnaereusf commendations io the one he received in October the Kaplan holdup case Sergeant with his part i ner Det Robert Reed who is iiimi iiif riV mr narriuin nwn failed to answer a summons but A or a Promotion was had done so after talking with commended in May of this year his attorney and because he had for helping to solve the to go to Texas holdup of hospitals in The attorney explained Dr Baltimore and New York and et absence but on the the local telephone 'company nwt enilpf nrwiann ka e'fvatnNVK gw ma found in contempt and fined erly have been at the trial" 19 had been1 betting on horses for Corpus Juris Secundum Bastards io years However he could hot teu where7 Suffolk Downs Aque duct or Lincoln' Downs were lo ested''' Disclaim Dope Charges Eddie Atkins another of the de fendants took the witness stand to say that he had earned his liv ing gambling He denied any as sociation with the dope racket and i declared that he did not know the Mcndaata RiehaM MantrMMe Uwrence Carrado Joseph (Peter at 542 147th st NYC GALLAGHER ANO Burton Native Of Virginia A native of Manassas Va Ser ''eeant O'Neill is a aroduate of Dun Ws rclCrisWa vS uuUU iBO I i In Wheaton US 133 2L' cre0UJwa by bar high and joined the police 522 the court said evidence showing the communica force in October 190 He held at tions ralative to a case on trial I 7 cinct 2 for four and a half yean between jurors and third persons' hearln8njhe motion and then became a plainclothes or witnesses or to officers inj wlch con 'man of the juror are absolutely' He was promoted to probation farhifTwn onH ip i annanre thnf aavis aisv such communications have taken eJefi court finds that the defendant place a presumphon arises that(n)t pr udieed they were prejudicial but this pre 1 JL is next urged that the Names Aired (Cantinuod from Papa 1) Rabbit) Smith and Warren Wil '3 Uams Jtc said that ha hart cramhlaA with the defendants Catfish Leoni James and Samuel Palmer bn a number of occasions Lawrence Carrado white 29 1 It WatchM MARX 7erHcr ff stance of defendants requested in Bucklejaws as saying isiCharged as a New York struciions was included in thefmad at Barrett because she thc syndicate testified 'charge to the jury jhe crossed Catfish a i cl lhat carncd a modest in While no specific poiht was(Buckiejaws told him I C0m trirt wa continued until 10 made relating to the possibility It is ncalM am riday At that time the next AM Il I wril MIM that: ta Jarota sjuad mere presence of the childloeal narcotics racket The at the trial is not error where itja Barrett and Young did Im 1 7 a axhltalad to ton and'" to to teaUma al tXNIISIU3ll NOW attention is not called te it in knyi1 4 raara reraJ Blkato ara a f'atfteN In MaVAzl Lto 7 T'" WMJ nu UBC pCKMHV vwwiuu svjiurou tiw vailrtU eompiiwini wiuiew bno uje iiwB fiwvw 914 vw a yvvr uur'I enra ia her arms while tewyiat where there no attempt to of fer the baby in evidence or ex hibit it to the jury (ng gambling working for hismember of Jmimie or faadvertent preenee ef father and selling storm windows jchestra Is now head of the de the bastard child in the court Ratfish said that he bet on all partment of foreign languages and room before tee trial cmitrry fo forms of sports such as horse dean of at BuUer Co an agreement between tee prose races fights football and basket cj cution and the defense is not re ball games Snead recently obtained his mas er stele error since without Under the cross examination of fromlsk agreement the child could prdp Mr Wadden Catfish said that herSJi in High Schools of Tennessee" Wen $190 Prize He recently won a $100 prise for an original song in a contest sponsored by tee ine Arts Award Inc of New York City with Duke Benny Good man and Billy Eckstine judges In addition to his other duties Snead teaches extension courses in professional elementary educa tion for senior college or gradu ate students at Butler arv ripfpctivp it Prgrtnrf 7 in 1UR the being transferred to the 7 robbery wasjsquad in August that" year he became precinct detec de tivA last Jan 1 7 ehdant was prejudiced by im geant is married to the proper argument of the counsel former Miss Glad anea school for the government in thejnstant lteacher They have two 'Dwight 7 and Jocelyn 11 months pNo objection was made to the 'He belongg to the Sentinel club ndgovernment a YMCA I which expressed a reasonable in 1 that should be drawn! (from the evidence and the demea 1 Lt Crandall of the rob nor of the witness on the stand rtiuad commending Detec In Meyer of Capital Transit Cottives and Payne on their 33 A 2d 392 quoting from Simpson (promotions stated tnat notn are Stein 52 App DC 137 284 outstanding members of his squad i 731 it was held that in order to worked said Detective reverse 'a case on such grounds itiPayne in answer to a must be clear from the 'record: 'query(but was too modest to give Must Misloading (further himself irst that the plaintiff's aftor Aten nrnmnfaH anil awnm in ilnr nnv in amnnn i 7L rvt cecn a Jones lett at rre ney in his argument to the jurying the ceremonies in Chief Mur cjnct 2 Henry Hopkins (right) U'ae Of 1 til f( Iirzinnzln4 I 7 £: at 11 i A was likely to mislead improperly white policemen all members ofi st influence or prejudice the jury the juvenile squad: William Cl Icepick Slayihgf (Continued from Page 1 Bnck said that her bus I i band was a veteran of World War on Monday 'of this week after lo having served ir i theroy for cal homicide detectives had noth ye a tied Maryland police that Toney herself and their Syear old son had 'relatives near Leonardtown Georga Buttock three slaters Mesdames Elaine Jqtasou Mag nolia Perry Besaie Brown and teree brothers 4 Gardt' Paul and Arthur All reside ia Wash ingtou was scheduled "(6 take place in Arlington cemetery Sec 102 Therefore motion for a new trial is denied NADINE LANE GALLAGHER Judge Sept 17 1952 I MUST BE BTXRAVAGANT will recover our national solvency only by foe extravagant wi use of our national sanityT I Det Sgt Robert E' Talbot of the homicide squad who issued the lookout said on the witness stud that Toney told him that he and Bullock had had a row last Tuesday about paying the rent for theirroom and teat LI SI Z7'' 1 flA James Griffin who lives on the Thursday fo! owing funeral sert second floor at the Columbia ices at the JarVis funeral home street address" told of how Bui wh the Rev Thomas came upstairs from his first of Tenth Street Baptist church of floor room an icepick thick nciatinf: Bereaved Wife Weeps as' I I 4 a I I the defendant) tMd me as one pouu un tne lamed wcuem jui do whatl can for the fort Holmes Harrimn baby eane in deurvod his promotion (give her a thousand glallars it sne win arop tne caae 7 said that was her decision You contact my sister ud have her sign the papers I know what tee lawyer said in bis letter I know of any demanda tee lawver vtounu urged in support of the motion is that an alleged conversation in the hallway of the court house between a juror and the complaining witness was preju dicial the defendant It is true that a rebuttable presump tion arises from such conduct against the defendant Rasmussen to detective sergeant Second that after objection the Joseph Lyons to precinct de court by failing to apply the ap 'tective and Vernie Tate to propriate disciplinary measures or probationary detective to give substitute instructions left I niic imnrr Or who know the accused ous impressions which were likely I 7 to mislead improperly influence Uunk but hun the ProsecutjBl or prejudice them to the disadvan attorney may ask if the witness! tage uf the defendant" jjaS heerd of conduct negativing a In the Meyers Caro supra the favorable reputation court at page 393 said: I "Apparently Counsel for appri ln Olner rrnAR Yaminahnn chmiM it iitkMl ianr run nor i Ifatal to affair trial bu 7 though nhiartintf to kn0W? Stawarl US Tops in age and proof dclir If he thought the remarks re 67T? Ano Al I a reinai oeiore a new panel YEARS OLD of jurors he should have asked T1T OlW CUB DOt tSJte hlS Vv4 iKUUr chances on a favorable verdict reserving a right to impeach if it hapReas to ap the other Danfet Court Erred I The defendant contends that the 'court erred in stating that the tfAVfommmnf nn wiaki VHUVHI Aiasu UV LU lllll IZ" HOWlHVai VA 111C IIIVIUKI foimic Jduce evidence of a good reputa 'provided they shall believe it cred ition for truth and veracity on be ible half of the complainant Underkill Criminal Ividwa I In sustaining an nhiprtinn tha foci BoXL aa raxtnr hapertto frem Wnlktrvllla Canada by Hiram Walker Imparon Inc prosecution made during defend 39 Neb 217 Olson Peterson Dttarit Midi Blendad Canadian Whirly argument to the '50 NW 155 33 Neb 35S Green Jjury the court stated that tee State 115 So 71 22 Ala App 297 reputation was not Bemba State 191 So 7H (ala)an issue The general rule is that YMdnv State 125 So 203 (Ala) i the reputation of the complainant The case KeNy US 194 lis irrelevant 2d 150 cited by tee defense in The responsibility of the accused support of thia argument is not infor the support of a bastard de 'point penas upon its paternity not up ion the good or bad reputation of the mother Underhill Criminal Evidence Sec 853 Error is urged in permitting in evidence the question "did you iknow defendant bad been arrest RrtfA accjmiT'" nn nrnetaTmtns 1a a a eviocnce num aired ndowj idXhLnt witness for the witneM and How Ceurt Hord It According to the notes and re Th defendant objects to the ad 1 collections of the court the ques ilnsson evdnce of a typewrit Ition was Have yeu heard teat rtatement made by the physi Idefendant had been arrested for dan attending the complainant which statement was attached to When evidence of good charact 11 evrse of the birth rec ier is offered cross examination of orl an made a part thereofthe character witness has a legiti Defendant himself had offered in I mate purpose in testing the evidence only the first of the birth grounds of his belief and since record The entire document wat the only admissible evidence of thereafter offered by the govem good character is what people ment and was received in evi idence The court finds no merit in the objection Defends Instructions An examination of the in structions to the jury shews that with tee execution of instructums No 1 and No 3 for a directed ver 1 month that Odessa had been pajf dict which were denied the sub iing Barrett" Catfish quoted in 1 Plaue Pull That Out I asked me to pull it out of Griffin declared said "Toney stuck tee icepick in me I James please pull thrt I I pull it out" Griffin said went to call the James Thompson who also iilivec at the Columbia street ad idress reported: 1 opened my door and he had the Icepick him Asked me to pull it out because it was hurting him I told him I pull it i Officer Removed Wespon Thompson according to the two witnesses escorted Bullock backdownstairs to his room and re mained with him while Griffin went to telephone police according to Thompson: police came one of the patrolmen took him by the shoulder and pulled it Sergeant Talbot said it was Pvt Kohler of Precinct 2 who removed tlje sharp instrument which was displayed 'at the in quest 1 BsrrowW fee Pick Identifisd It was identified by the defen A A XI inquest Monay on the iaanl ma oto TBAxto iinii IxIzvftLr eO wa fata! stabbing ot Henry (Happy) Owens 56 of the 500 block of fas the ice pick which Toney bor coming to her bouse at pm on Nov 25 Also testifying at the inquestl was Dr Wendell Lucas ofi hospital who treated Bullock at the hospital and whosaid he died at about 8:10 pm on Nov 26 7 Mrs Bullock who sqfd slie and her husband were married in 1943 told the ARO that they had been separated for the past i three weeks She said that Bui lock was a native of Rocky Mount NCgand had lived in Washington since he was about7 10 years old 1 Previous Report alro A beautician Mrs Bullock said: 1 shocked me so was that just about two months ago a girl told me that my husband had just been stabbed to death I7 in vestigated and found that it true Had Year Old Son last week his sister called me and told me what had 1 just i TUES SAT THREE YEARS $1200 $1ZOO TWO YEARS K00 gMO ONE YEAR 509 900 SIX MONTHS $300 $3 09 Outetoo of WashtoglM STARTS WITH STRNGHThnr wby YOUR ftXlR Needs After surrendering himself to the grand iurv following a co rvt uecil a Jones lett at rre Liiit iitmy xivprkiiio was guilty of misconduct office were the followingi42 nf th hhu nf nw was ordered held for st nw Saturday afternoon srowea' wr a jew minutes aneri 1 vt of nAa Vniira al qliAiil (Continued from Page 1) of his representative I HaiTlSOIl ined $5 This is further borne out by I On Contempt Charge Holmes testimony that: AL A9A eVVklklT TM 1HA TMIMAyf 0V ewtULU Juvenile Court the Rev Earl Hamsen warnund inyeeotempt of court and paid a fine toe 1 court aemorandm dis cloaca I The fine wm paid eu April 1 by Dr attorney Rob ert I Miller the ARO foeraed i A court cnftltMnifoB rforslldto that the Revg Mr Harrison 'W it 3 I fo 1 A 9 1 mnvn ra oranawv MraMtoMemroaMna mweZnvmUVMUfoOtfo 9 oa 7 WdiK 1 7 OCJOonQetrTf i I I to 1 Uf I uWJ 7 W' 7 Tr V' 8 Motion for new trial fileik Judge Gallagher 7 James Coggs and Everett Edmond 'Esqs 13 52 Entered appear as co counsel for defendant Lawson Jr Entered appear as co counsel 8 14 52 for deft Attys pres Leave to amend motion for new trial Amended motion to be filed Aug 21 1952 hg on motion Aug 28 8 28 52 Memo in support of motion filed 8 28 52 motion for new trial held in part" Cont to 8 29 52 at 1:30 PM 8 52 Session resumed Deft motion for new trial further heard part Cont to 8 2 52 at 2:30 2 52 Session resumed Deft motion for a new trial further advisem*nt Deft motion for a new trial denied after hear 9 11 527 ing Memo open Handed to counsel Jude ment entered Cont to 9 25 52 for entry of order Pts pres Attys Robt I Miller oster Wood Lawson and Everett Edmond appear 7 on behalf of defendant Defendant ordered to furnish $1000 bond with security guaranteeing court order Bond sus pended on condition deft pay $520 annually payable at the rate of $4333 monthly until EHCto rJudge child reaches 15 years of 'age through clerk court Part payment due Wed 10 1 52 to com plainant for support of child until child reaches 16 years of age to wit Oct 7 1967 Deft placed on probation 10 6 52 Notice of appeal filed 10 52 Statement' of errors and designation of record filed Counter designation of record filed by ACC Barton 7 Statement of proceedings and evidence 'sub mitted for approval 10 Objections to statement of proceedings and evi dence filed Order of municipal court of appeals extending time to and including 11 15 52 for settling state ment of procedings and evidence 52 Order of 11 15 52 by municipal court Of appeals extending time for settlement to 11 20 52 11 20 52 Statement of procedings and evidence approved (Judge Gallagher) I I I.

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Washington Afro American from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.